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Prolog Meta Audience Annotation
prolog.meta.audience((name=value)(type=person)(othertype=other type of person)(job=type of job)(experiencelevel=level))
label used to associate the values of the audience attribute with the audience element
type (optional)
person reading the document; specific allowed values are: user, purchaser, administrator, programmer, executive, services, other
othertype (optional)
person reading the document; when type is set to other, this value is used as the audience. This allows values not listed for type
job (optional)
kind of job or task you are trying to accomplish. Possible values are installing, customizing, administering, programming, using, maintaining, troubleshooting, evaluating, planning, migrating, other
otherjob (optional)
kind of job or task you are trying to accomplish; used when job is set to other.
experiencelevel (optional)
level of experience attained by reader

The prolog.meta.audience() annotation is used to indicate the intended audience for your topic. You can optionally specify the type of person you expect to read the document, the type of job you expect the reader to need to accomplish, and the experience level you expect them to have.

The following is an example of what the annotation may look like when filled out. Rule for prolog.meta.audience()

The following is an example of the DITA output you would get from this annotation.

<prolog> <metadata> <audience name="engineer" type="programmer" job="maintenance" experiencelevel="expert"/> </metadata> </prolog>