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Book Change History Annotation
year the document was approved
month (optional)
month of the year the document was approved
day (optional)
day of the month the document was approved

The annotation is used to place information in the document map about the document's life cycle. This must include the year, and can include the month and day also.

This is an example of what the document life cycle information may look like. Source document text

The following is an example of what the annotation may look like when filled out. This example uses regular expressions; please see the patterns page for more information on how to use these. Please also see delete for how to use the p.delete annotation. Rule for

The following is an example of the DITA output you would get from this annotation.

<bookmeta> <bookchangehistory> <approved> <completed> <year>2003</year> <month>April</month> <day>26</day> </completed> </approved> </bookchangehistory> </bookmeta>